Klaus Nomi


One of the most touching interpretations of the song of cold genius of Henry Purcells semi-opera King Arthur (1691) Act 3 Movt. 20, Prelude and Aria, “What power art thou” is the one by Klaus Nomi in a Klassik-Rock-Nacht-concert organized by Eberhard Schoener Dec. 1982. ->youtube link

Klaus Nomi in Lothar Lamberts film “Ex und Hopp” singing in soprano falsetto -> youtube link, 1972.

Klaus Nomi is usually known for his pop music (like e.g. “Total Eclipse” -> youtube link) and that is how I learned about him during my youth. However he wanted to work at an opera and had studied at the Berlin conservatory until 1973.

3 Responses to “Klaus Nomi”

  1. Ellen McCurtin Says:

    Thank you for the great item on the late Klaus Nomi. I have actually been trying to track down Ex und Hopp without success and was sorry to see that the video had been taken down from your site. Could you possibly tell me how I might be able to obtain a copy? Any information would be tremendously appreciated and in advance, thank you very much.

  2. nad Says:

    Thank you Ellen,

    yes unfortunately they took the trailer off youtube, although I think the short excerpt was
    a good advertisement for the film.

    On the other hand I couldnt find anything on where to buy “Ex und Hopp”, but a place where
    they rent it. The place is called traumathek and located in Koeln (Cologne)(link to adress)

    there they may have also some info on where to buy it.

  3. Ellen McCurtin Says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to look into this and post the Cologne information. I appreciate it very much and will continue to pursue it. I am actually coming to Berlin later this year and will try to contact Lothar Lambert’s office beforehand.
    Thank you again and best regards.

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