Archive for the 'berlin' Category

Joan Baez in Berlin

Sunday, July 1st, 2007


I just saw that folksinger Joan Baez is singing in the Zitadelle Spandau today (tickets). Unfortunately I won’t be there.* However I would like to say at this place that I wish Joan Baez wouldn’t need to sing on such occasions as on a concert of the operation cease fire.

Another remark: the Zitadelle Spandau as being a former fortress of the 16th century is also not such a pleasant location but the more it is important that there are nice concerts.

->Joan Baez singing the answer is blowing in the wind

*addendum: I actually managed to go to the concert and arrived there in the last minute. She sang very nicely about strange stories. Interestingly the core of a folk music concert (it was my first folk music concert) seems to be that the audience sometimes forms a choir. After the “more” some more images which are sometimes a bit blurry, since my camera is not so lightsensitive.


NMI 07 – roof party

Friday, June 29th, 2007

No cockroach mutants..;) – just antenna of a TV news station which is apparently rather on the dark side of the rain bow..:)

Some few more images from the NMI07 party yesterday evening on the roof terrace of the academy of sciences after the click.


NMI 2007

Thursday, June 28th, 2007


I am currently at the NMI 2007 conference which runs from morning till night – if one includes the after hour work, like a boat trip on Berlin waters, which took place last night (just one photo from the boat trip – funny to watch the Hauptbahnhof from this perspective):

Berlin Hauptbahnhof with its claddings
which broke in a storm

me d usa med usa

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Arnold Böcklin “Medusa” – image source from wikipedia

MEDUSALEM. Researchers from Israel found out that our Internet galaxy has in its center a Medusa head (they call it actually a Medusa model), i.e. a head which grows snakes instead of hair.



Tuesday, June 19th, 2007



Alice in Wonderland

Sunday, June 17th, 2007


Recently activist(s)/vandalist(s)/artist(s) (?) cut out the “Alice” of the posters which belong to a product branding or advertising campaign by Hansenet.


gimmick shelter

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007


“Kein Zuckerschlecken in Sicht aber dafür Solarzellen”*

Just some images from an interesting architectural application of solar cells.

designmai-part III

Saturday, June 9th, 2007




A LED’s thing by future factories


fingerprint masks

Thursday, June 7th, 2007


“hellooooooooo says the masqueraider to the masqueracer” , artwork by Michaela Mustermann

According to Heise online the german government in its function as Presidency of the European Council wants to come to an agreement for the new EU passports before the end of July. This may spur the discussion about finger prints in passports on an european level.

->for DIY directions of how to make an artificial fingerprint mask from an arbitrary fingerprint see computer magazin c’t page 102 (unfortunately in german and not online)

focus and context, part IIIa: theatre

Monday, June 4th, 2007

I am aware of the fact that it may be funny if a mathematical physicist speaks about theatre.
