Archive for the 'berlin' Category

birthhaus bauday

Monday, December 4th, 2006

Today the bauhaus Dessau celebrates its 80th birthday. It opened on Dec 4th 1926 as “Hochschule für Gestaltung” (before that the bauhaus resided from 1919 to 1925 in Weimar and afterwards 1932-1933 in Berlin and 1937-1938 in Chicago). The building was reconstructed over the last 10 years. The renovation is now almost finished, where an emphasis was placed on a changed color appearance of the Bauhaus.

In 2005 there was an exhibition about the wall-painting workshop of the Bauhaus at the Bauhaus Archiv in Berlin with a catalog. The catalog gives a quite good overview about Bauhaus colors and color compositions, respectively.

->images from the Bauhaus building in Dessau
->for a quick impression about the exhibition these two links-> 1,2

Erholungspark Marzahn

Saturday, November 11th, 2006

“Garten der vier Ströme”, (garden of the four streams) Erholungspark Marzahn

Berlins most beautiful garden is not – as one could imagine – a castle garden or the botanical garden, no it is the Erholungspark Marzahn. The Erholungspark Marzahn doesn’t provide a spectacular view onto Berlins rivers Spree or Dahme – often reserved only to Berlins “(economic) elite” – but provides instead of a view onto the old eastgerman claddings of Marzahn.



Friday, November 3rd, 2006

I finally managed to translate my article for the conference proceedings of the NMI2006 conference from german into english. There are a few additions, which are not included in the german version.

The article is a description of our installation seidesein. It gives an account on our motivations for creating seidesein but it explains a bit also our motivation for other daytar works.

The article is for download >>here or directly via the seidesein page.

I am very grateful for any feedback on this article.

Die tödliche Doris

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006


Die tödliche Doris was a 7 year long art project in the end 80ties. It consisted of a group of (usually 3) people( Wolfgang Müller, Nikolaus Utermöhlen und Chris Dreier/Dagmar Dimitroff/Tabea Blumenschein and then Käthe Kruse ) who did Multimedia art performances. Their work was concerned with the question of identity – especially in pop groups. They created their typical style the “ingenious dilletantism” and performed on Punk/NDW/Industrial festivals such as “Berlin Atonal”.


Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

Just some flowers from today:


trampoline night

Friday, October 13th, 2006

last night was trampoline night with our installation seidesein. seidesein (the above blurry Moire seidesein image is an artefact..:)) was installed in the hallway together with Aram Bartholls nice project “First Person Shooter”


seidesein REMINDER

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Just a reminder of an earlier announcement about a public appearance of our work seidesein (see also NMI 2006 conference) at the trampoline night of trampoline/radiator festival. I will guard the installation so this blog may be a bit slowed down for the upcoming days.

The Trampoline event takes place on
Thursday, 12. October 2006
Hebbel am Ufer, HAU 2
Hallesches Ufer 32
10963 Berlin

12Euros/8 Euros

artforum berlin 2006

Friday, October 6th, 2006

some impressions from the artforum 2006 – Berlins biggest art fair, which closed its doors two days ago.


classics games

Thursday, October 5th, 2006


no more water this time. The above image looks like the famous game pong and yes indeed I was happy to see this game again…. but this post is not (only) about pong.


twisting the meaning

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

The “Deutsche Sprachrat” (german language council) is holding a competition for collecting german words, which diffused into other languages – sometimes by acquiring a new meaning in the process.
