Archive for the 'berlin' Category

silent french battles in berlin

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006


mysterious graffiti as seen from the Berlin S-Bahn

The VVR berek – a subsidiary company of the Berlin public transport company BVG which is in charge for selling advertisement spaces in Berlin public transport is going to be sold. Unexpectedly…

all earthquakes – neatly browsable

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

The above square shows the location of the only earthquake that happened near Berlin, Germany in the last seven days (more…)

NMI 2006 – the conference

Monday, July 31st, 2006


From July 19 to 21 the annual conference “New Media and Technologies of the IT Society” (“Neue Medien und Technologien der Informationsgesellschaft”) took place under the title “Film, Computer and TV”. (more…)


Saturday, July 29th, 2006


Yesterday the ORWOhaus celebrated its first “Klang der Ideen”-music festival. (more…)

pictoplasma conference

Wednesday, July 12th, 2006


Plasma again. This time Pictoplasma though. A conference on contemporary character design and art will take place from Oct. 11-14 2006 in Berlin. It is organized by Pictoplasma. The conference fee is 190 Euro. Early bird registration until Aug.1 2006 140 Euro. If you still have some money left after registering you can sponsor the upbringing of a character orphan, which means to help a little, flatfaced character to step out into the real (?) 3D world (for already sponsored characters see image above).

Tesla coils

Monday, July 10th, 2006
Tesla coil from tesladownunder

Today 150 years ago Nicola Tesla was born – a well-known electrical engineer, physicist and … (more…)


Sunday, July 9th, 2006


There is going to be a short conference on Film, TV and Computer at the academy of sciences in Berlin from July 19-21. Website (in german) here.
It is free for students, 100 Euros for everybody else.

The conference is about the interaction between film and computer science and how the two areas merge into something new. There will be a conference gaming lounge and we will show there our installation “seidesein”.
The conference will also host a videoconference with the digitalcinemasociety

Carpet Invaders by Janek Simon

Sunday, July 9th, 2006



Carpet invaders was shown in Bucharest in 2004.

Janek Simon can currently be seen in Berlin in the new gallery called ZAK in Berlin, Linienstr. 141. with his work “Departure / Take off”: –a video where all the church towers of his hometown Krakow are becoming rockets which go off into space, leaving Krakow churchtower-naked.


Saturday, July 8th, 2006


We put a new processing applet with the title “Mahrzipanien” on the daytar art page.

Ralph H. Baer at Computerspielemuseum

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006


President George W. Bush presents a National Medal of Technology, Monday, Feb. 13, 2006 to Ralph H. Baer of Manchester, N.H., during ceremonies in the East Room of the White House. Baer was honored for his groundbreaking and pioneering creation, development and commercialization of interactive video games. White House photo by Eric Draper
image public domain via wikipedia

Yesterday night Andreas Lange of the Computerspielemuseum showed a video of a visit of Ralph H. Baer on June 16 in Berlin.