Archive for the 'berlin' Category

Computerspielemuseum Berlin

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

andreaslange.jpgDue to recent discussions about pong the randformblog reader may know already about the exhibition pong.mythos and his curator Andreas Lange (see left image on the left, together with manager Dr. Klaus Spieler). However Andreas Lange’s main work (in fact he majored in religious studies) is the (more…)

Von Mäusen und Menschen

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

Roberto Cuoghi, Untitled 2004

Last monday the 4. Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art under the title: “Von Mäusen und Menschen” (Of Mice and Men) closed its doors. The biennale is one of Berlins important regular modern art events.

From the press kit for the exhibition:

“Of Mice and Men” looks at life as a series of traumas and at art as an enigma that capture moments of disorientation and states of uncertainty and fragility. Anxiety and paranoia, a
impenetrable obscurity and a looming sense of suspension are some of the recurring atmospheres in the show.


Batbeak’s coming

Friday, June 9th, 2006


Last week the Berlin Air Show ILA closed and we were happy that no plane crashed down on us. The question of why they do this show in such a densely populated spot is apparently not going together with our sense for rational reasoning.

However for the next ILA it seems batman or buckbeak the hippogriff may land in our backyard – as can be learned from the press release I and press release II of the bavarian company ESG or in the article in the daily mail.

From the article in the daily mirror I would say that the thing which apparently flies already around looks more like batman, however from ESG´s press release it seems that they want to call this thing “Gryphon”. However one thing is clear – this thing is not even a WOLPERTINGER!!

carnival in berlin

Sunday, June 4th, 2006


Despite chilling 17 degrees celsius there is 3 days of “Karnival der Kulturen” in Berlin. Here some pictures from the glorious parade….and as one can see the upcoming soccer world championship is sort of
influential. (more…)