Archive for the 'berlin' Category

Museumsdorf Düppel – tar in the middle age village

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012


trolley ease

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Mats – Tim’s nephew who mainly grew up in Stockholm had visited us for a week. Mats has recently started to study IT technolgies in Sweden. He and Tim were thus interested in exploring the marvelous Blender software. Tim watches closely Blender’s open movie project “Tears of steel”, which looks like a lot of fun. The clip “trolley ease” – (or in german: “wie wird man einen Kofer los?”) is a result of Mats’ visit to Berlin. It is partially inspired by Tim’s commuting adventures.

youtube link: trolley ease

Some words on a censorship of the petition: “Reformvorschläge in der Sozialversicherung”

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Reader F. Myschkin asked:

Do I get this right – your government is CENSORING YOUR COMMENT regarding health insurance tariffs ?!?!

My answer after the click.


Reformvorschläge in der Sozialversicherung Infographik

Thursday, July 19th, 2012

After the click some infographics which illustrate the german Reformvorschläge (in german).

Reformvorschläge in der Sozialversicherung

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

Since randform is an english language blog there are actually not too many german randform readers. That is, according to our blog statistics, alone the readers from Ukraine and Russia usually exceed on average our german readership (I don’t know though how much of that should be attributed to bots). So I would like to ask the typical randform reader to excuse this blog post here which is completely about some special kind of clinch with german social politics.
After the klick a short english intro about what the post is about and then a rather long text in german, which – as I was notified by german officials – is too hard to understand for unbiased third parties.


where has all the money gone ?

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

Views on various deposit mountains or the expansion of $100 through fractional-reserve lending at varying rates, under the re-lending model. Each curve approaches a limit. This limit is the value that the money multiplier calculates (diagram from wikipedia)


electronics thinkering tanks

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

Arduino Workshop at bmwguggenheimlab with Stefan and André

Some music in Marzahn

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

randform reader Balthazar Gänschen-Beissel asked:
It seems it must be quite dull in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Like are there any music performances there?


A User Had Killed My Baby

Sunday, May 6th, 2012



time video

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Tim’s song “time” has now a video on youtube.
Bye the way the former cinema (“Kino Sojus“) you see there is – as what I read in the newspapers – currently intendead by the authorities to be turned into a shopping mall.
It was closed about 4 years ago.