Archive for the 'berlin' Category
Wednesday, November 16th, 2011
I completely forgot to mention the post about the plywood bonobo by Stanislav Ploski. Like the other texts, the text was a little bit “polished” by the people at Inhabitat – just in case you wonder about my sudden glitzy english.
other posts there:
->Wood lamp
->Miss Maple
->Vase & Leuchte
posted by nad | art and design, berlin, environment, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Sunday, August 14th, 2011
Last week we did a short trip to the Island of Rügen in the baltic, which is amongst others famous for its stunningly beautiful Chalk Cliffs in the Jasmund National Park, including the Königstuhl (king’s chair). You may know the well-known picture Chalk Cliffs on Rügen by C.D. Friedrich.
update 15.08.11: Warning: especially after that recent rain the chalk cliffs can break. On Saturday evening there was an amount of ca. 30.000 cubic meters of chalk gliding. The Jasmund park authorities thus currently recommend not to stroll in their vicinity. According to the article the sea level has been rising by 28 cm in the last 200 ys. so that the hillside toe vanished. This leaves the chalk without any protection against the baltic.
posted by nad | berlin, environment, trips | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, July 6th, 2011
My talk at the open knowledge confence was well perceived, however on the other hand there were not so many participants listening to my talk. In general it seemed to me that games were not (yet) in the focus of the open knowledge community. That is tere were not so many talks involving games at the conference. Nevertheless there were enough issues of importance and the conference was fun.
The slides of my talk are currently too big for upload, so I only uploaded a newer version of the article.
update (130711): The slides are available now at
Talk: “Testing new toy economies/political structures in MMOGs” at
posted by nad | art and design, berlin, climate, communication, economy, environment, games, math, physics, procrastination, software, trips | 4 Comments »
Saturday, July 2nd, 2011
A recent product description at Inhabitat. Read about: Miss Maple – the pendant lamp by Elisa Strozyk and the tile-tale of cozy Sherlock Home.
posted by nad | art and design, berlin, communication, math, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
posted by nad | art and design, berlin, communication, economy, environment, games, math, physics, software, visualization | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 29th, 2011
The discussion about an eventual criticality accident in Fukushima which started in the comment section of the blog post about the Fukushima plant continued partially on Azimuth within this comment.
Last weekend there was a demonstration against nuclear power generation in Berlin, which had about 70.000 participants.
Images of the demonstration after the click.
posted by nad | berlin, communication, environment, japan, physics | No Comments »
Friday, February 4th, 2011
update 6.2.11: Here an image of yesterdays great show. Nora and Theresa Lantez dancing “Farruquita por las dos” as a fight of the generations.
(eventually some more images to come)
Short note for the Berlin locals. Theresa Lantez, featured in this randform post runs a show with her mother Nora Lantez on saturday. Nora Lantez is a professional balletdancer (education Berlin) with a 3 years extra specialization in “spanish dance”. The show “Flamenco- Impressions” is at Studiobühne at the FF Marzahn, music by Cayenne Katrin and Josè Ramirez.
posted by nad | art and design, berlin, dance, music | 4 Comments »
Thursday, January 13th, 2011
Luckily, Christoph Schreiber of the workshop Konzertflügel, whose marvelous Salon Christophori – a series of music events – was featured already in this randform post has now -after a cumbersome six months search- found a new domicil for his workshop. The old workshop, which was rather central had to be closed due to gentrification. His new workshop is now in the famous Uferhallen (website) in the Berlin district of Wedding. Soheil Nasseri who is also featured in this randform post* is giving again a concert at Salon Christophori. He is going to play tomorrow the program, which he played at Carnegie Hall in October. Both Christoph and Soheil** are in need of some financial support so they hope many people will visit them at this not so central place.
Uferstr. 9-11, 13357 Berlin Wedding, 14.1. 2011, 20:30 Uhr
* The flying steps also featured in this post are going to perform
their superb Bach breakdance again in march.
**Soheil currently doesn’t feel like repeating Joshua Bells experiment.
short note: My Flamenco teacher Theresa Lantez (here some more pictures) who gave lessons in an old ballroom in the same street as Christoph Schreiber needs to look for a new room (for the same gentrification reasons). If you know something you can send me or her a mail.
posted by nad | berlin, economy, music | No Comments »
Tuesday, October 19th, 2010
On the occasion of the current convention on biodiversity some images from a green part of Berlin, called Teufelsee (the “satanic lake”) in the district of Köpenick.
posted by nad | art and design, berlin, bio, communication, economy, environment, games, perception, procrastination, trips, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »