Archive for the 'architecture' Category

birthhaus bauday

Monday, December 4th, 2006

Today the bauhaus Dessau celebrates its 80th birthday. It opened on Dec 4th 1926 as “Hochschule für Gestaltung” (before that the bauhaus resided from 1919 to 1925 in Weimar and afterwards 1932-1933 in Berlin and 1937-1938 in Chicago). The building was reconstructed over the last 10 years. The renovation is now almost finished, where an emphasis was placed on a changed color appearance of the Bauhaus.

In 2005 there was an exhibition about the wall-painting workshop of the Bauhaus at the Bauhaus Archiv in Berlin with a catalog. The catalog gives a quite good overview about Bauhaus colors and color compositions, respectively.

->images from the Bauhaus building in Dessau
->for a quick impression about the exhibition these two links-> 1,2


Friday, November 10th, 2006

for viewing the applet you need Java 1.5 or higher, please wait for the blue star.

  • left click and drag – rotate
  • middle mouse and drag – translate
  • ctrl middle mouse and drag – zoom
  • e – encompass
the fromula

Today the DMV (german mathematician comunity) awards their media prizes to journalists for special archivements in communicating mathematics in the public. Besides the media prize (4000 euros) for George Szpiro (Jerusalem) and the journalists prize (1000 euros) for Ulf von Rauchhaupt (Frankfurt) a very special honor is given to Hans Magnus Enzensberger: The implicit surface given by the above equation was named after him.
Details about the prizes the winners and the ceremony here, an image of the surface from the press release here.


Friday, November 3rd, 2006

I finally managed to translate my article for the conference proceedings of the NMI2006 conference from german into english. There are a few additions, which are not included in the german version.

The article is a description of our installation seidesein. It gives an account on our motivations for creating seidesein but it explains a bit also our motivation for other daytar works.

The article is for download >>here or directly via the seidesein page.

I am very grateful for any feedback on this article.

ancient mathematics

Wednesday, November 1st, 2006

Hundreds of approximately 3 inch stoneballs have been found in Scotland. (more…)

mars on earth

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006


New Planet (1921), by Konstantin Yuon (image from Wikipedia).

I was yesterday linking to a project which is carrying out a study into possible future cultural utilisation of the International Space Station.



Friday, September 22nd, 2006


…no not parkours again :)…just a reminder of randform writer Anuschka Kutz and Andrea Benze‘s exhibition:
“Kitchenshrine and Dogcomfort” – Rituals of everyday life. A spatial laboratory at Plan 06 – Forum for Contemporary Architecture in Cologne

in Cologne from
22.09. – 29.09.06

Exhibition opening TODAY 22.09. at 18:00
at Containerturm am Brüsseler Platz, Belgisches Viertel.
Exhibition: daily 12 — 21:00

russian parkours

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

direct link

I mentioned parkours already in an earlier post…however also this post might not be the last parkours post, as I keep watching these parkours videos. video games set to reality. redefining architecture. the fight against couch potatos..what ever….—->The above one is a rather good one (also if I dont get the end…
comments are welcome on what happened to oleg and his cellular)

kitchenshrine & dogcomfort

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006


randform writer anuschka kutz (nuka) together with Andrea Benze of offseaworks exhibit at plan06 — Forum for Contemporary Architecture in Cologne with their project “kitchenshrine & dogcomfort” from 22.09. – 29.09.2006.

“kitchenshrine & dogcomfort” is an experiment into architecture based on living rituals.

“kitchenshrine & dogcomfort” had been exhibited in January at the University of Brighton Gallery. Images from the exhibition on Offsea’s website.


Monday, September 11th, 2006


who is watching whom? image excerpt from a supernatural studio project

supernatural studios are hosting a very interesting lecture series in London`s Tate modern on visual effects and computer animation.

via rhizome

silent french battles in berlin

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006


mysterious graffiti as seen from the Berlin S-Bahn

The VVR berek – a subsidiary company of the Berlin public transport company BVG which is in charge for selling advertisement spaces in Berlin public transport is going to be sold. Unexpectedly…