Archive for the 'trips' Category

Museumsdorf Düppel – tar in the middle age village

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012


Latexaccess and Reformvorschläge in der Sozialversicherung

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Some time ago randform had a blogpost on the mathematical typesetting software LaTeX, however we sofar had not installed LaTeX. On one hand this was due to the fact that until somewhat recently it would have been necessary to install LaTeX on our server for that purpose. Moreover there was sofar no big need to have LaTeX here, because randform hasn’t sofar used too many math formulas. With the tool MathJax, which is offered as a WordPress plugin and with in particular the MathJax possibility to link to a javascript library (which considerably reduces serverspace) we now test the possibility to typeset LaTeX on this blog.

So here as the first typesetting experiment with MathJax: the formula for the suggested function in the petition “Reformvorschläge in der Sozialversicherung”

sideremark: A search with keyword “LaTeX” on, a website which is offering the possibility to launch petitions, which are not allowed on the official petition website of the german parliament (like the above petition) offered just some Google ads with the typical offers you get when you type in latex.

Some words on a censorship of the petition: “Reformvorschläge in der Sozialversicherung”

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Reader F. Myschkin asked:

Do I get this right – your government is CENSORING YOUR COMMENT regarding health insurance tariffs ?!?!

My answer after the click.


Bublava and Klingenthal

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

Since its hot in the northern hemisphere here some vacation images from the last winter shot in the mountains at the border between Germany and the Czech Republic. You can see parts of the towns of Klingenthal and Bublava. I also found there also some old games from east german times.


Reformvorschläge in der Sozialversicherung Infographik

Thursday, July 19th, 2012

After the click some infographics which illustrate the german Reformvorschläge (in german).

electronics thinkering tanks

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

Arduino Workshop at bmwguggenheimlab with Stefan and André

A User Had Killed My Baby

Sunday, May 6th, 2012




Friday, April 20th, 2012

Good news! Tim has finally found a room in munich and already moved into his new space!

As you can see at the image frames (after the more link) one room wall is a bit tilted, which I found reminded of The cabinet of Dr. Caligari. But Tim finds for him this is only OK. The toilet is a bit further away than before, but the room is rather central and he has even his own sink there.

We would like to thank all those who helped out with appartment search and moving assistance!


Room sought in munich

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Tim was unreckoned given notice for his room in munich. So he needs a new one.
If you know a room close to a subway, preferably close to the subway which goes to TU munich and which is maximally around 300 Euros (all inclusive) per month then please send an email or give a call.

irre repair

Friday, December 30th, 2011

Just to inform you about recent randform activities – my macbook is still at the repairshop.