Especially important is here that the C3S initiative is thought to be europe-wide thus the digital agenda plays a role here. The Cultural Commons Collecting Society (C3S) is sofar only a gathering but – according to Heise – there are plans to form a european cooperative in the first half of 2013 and to be functionable in about 2 years. If you are musically active you can officially display your interest via signing a declaration of intent which is important for the representation in front of legal bodies like the german patent office. Tim (who is still a GEMA member) has already signed the declaration.
Tim had found some time over the holidays for doing music. He has thus just uploaded a cool new song to soundcloud. It is entirely written and arranged by himself. Vocals and some violin by Cat Caspari, cello by Z.
I left a long comment at the Berlin city blog Spreeblick which discusses the role of commercial social media, their democracy and the Gema (the german perfomance rights organization). The comment is in german and you can read it also after the click.
Addition on 20.08.2012: A part of this comment which deals with social media and democracy can be found translated in the randform post “translation.”
Cat Caspari has a bit given up on instrumentation so here you can hear Cat singing a capella in her living room. She sings Pirate Jenny (in german) from the Threepenny opera.
In a randform comment section there is currently a little discussion about parenting, Amy Chua, education and self directed learning. This goes together with something which Tim called a “crazy plan”. That is he is currently voluntarily forcing himself to produce one music track per day for a whole month!
update 6.2.11: Here an image of yesterdays great show. Nora and Theresa Lantez dancing “Farruquita por las dos” as a fight of the generations.
(eventually some more images to come)
Short note for the Berlin locals. Theresa Lantez, featured in this randform post runs a show with her mother Nora Lantez on saturday. Nora Lantez is a professional balletdancer (education Berlin) with a 3 years extra specialization in “spanish dance”. The show “Flamenco- Impressions” is at Studiobühne at the FF Marzahn, music by Cayenne Katrin and Josè Ramirez.
Luckily, Christoph Schreiber of the workshop Konzertflügel, whose marvelous Salon Christophori – a series of music events – was featured already in this randform post has now -after a cumbersome six months search- found a new domicil for his workshop. The old workshop, which was rather central had to be closed due to gentrification. His new workshop is now in the famous Uferhallen (website) in the Berlin district of Wedding. Soheil Nasseri who is also featured in this randform post* is giving again a concert at Salon Christophori. He is going to play tomorrow the program, which he played at Carnegie Hall in October. Both Christoph and Soheil** are in need of some financial support so they hope many people will visit them at this not so central place.
Uferstr. 9-11, 13357 Berlin Wedding, 14.1. 2011, 20:30 Uhr
* The flying steps also featured in this post are going to perform
their superb Bach breakdance again in march.
**Soheil currently doesn’t feel like repeating Joshua Bells experiment.
short note: My Flamenco teacher Theresa Lantez (here some more pictures) who gave lessons in an old ballroom in the same street as Christoph Schreiber needs to look for a new room (for the same gentrification reasons). If you know something you can send me or her a mail.
randform reported already earlier about the decline of music education in Berlin. The last post was about a protest note by well-known musicians who protest against the cutbacks of music education in schools .
Currently you can hear the Vuvuzelas everywhere here in Berlin — they are quite LAUUUUt (this is approximately the noise of a german Vuvuzela) — thus one could easily conclude that the decline of music education already reached the bottom.
But of course the Vuvuzelas are due to the soccer fever and luckily there are still some people left in Berlin who prove that its music education has not (yet) reached the bottom. Here a video snippet from the concert of the Musikalische Werkstätten (a music project with pupils from the Berlin districts of Lichtenberg-Hohenschönhausen, Treptow-Köpenick und Marzahn-Hellersdorf, organized by Landesmusikakademie Berlin) where pupils perform not with Vuvuzelas but partially with similar simple instruments the piece “seven nation army” (here the original) in a very cool style.
During the concert I was a bit concerned that parts of the ceiling in the gym at FEZ, where the concert took place would fall down, however then I told myself that just because the ceiling is deformed (probably due to ball shots, see image) that doesn’t necessary imply that it will fall down. ??
The protest has now a website at and you can leave your signature against the cuts in music education (german newspaper article in Morgenpost about the campaign)