Archive for the 'software' Category

big google is watching you

Saturday, September 9th, 2006

The current buzz about Brazil sueing google for obtaining user data (see e.g. washington post or AP) or this years message about China give an even more stale flavour to a technology which was discussed in a rather recent article in MITs Technology Review .



Monday, September 4th, 2006


Usually I try to keep away from gadgets (:)) but I was really waiting for the above image to come. Tinky winky the telechumby holds a socalled chumby inside its belly – a product to be expected march 2007 for the price of approx. 150 $ according to gizmodo. Chumby seems to have a linux kernel , a WiFi hook to the internet and may thus be an alternative to Nintendo DS, who has also a linux kernel. Another interesting feature of chumby is the hookup to Adobes Flash lite, which is interesting for Flash programmers. The rumors are that the Nintendo browser (to be released Oct 6 in Europe) won’t support Flash (sofar) and the new Flash for Linux…well…needs some time.

via etienne mineur and gizmodo


Friday, August 18th, 2006


This is a sort of follow-up post to the LaTeX and Metafont post, because it features (among others) the text editor “emacs” which is THE editor for LaTeX.

dainty walkers

Thursday, August 10th, 2006


A very worthwhile-to-visit website is the one of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA. Here one can e.g. surf to the remarkable ANTS – Autonomous NanoTechnology Swarm webpage (also autonomous in terms of graphic design…). (more…)

uncanny paintings

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006


“empathic paintings” by Shugrina, Betke and Collomosse


voice wreckognition

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

I couldn’t resist in reblogging this. Not really out of schadenfreude but more because I like it if techology gets so human :-)

via spreeblick

NMI 2006 – the conference

Monday, July 31st, 2006


From July 19 to 21 the annual conference “New Media and Technologies of the IT Society” (“Neue Medien und Technologien der Informationsgesellschaft”) took place under the title “Film, Computer and TV”. (more…)


Sunday, July 9th, 2006


There is going to be a short conference on Film, TV and Computer at the academy of sciences in Berlin from July 19-21. Website (in german) here.
It is free for students, 100 Euros for everybody else.

The conference is about the interaction between film and computer science and how the two areas merge into something new. There will be a conference gaming lounge and we will show there our installation “seidesein”.
The conference will also host a videoconference with the digitalcinemasociety

pimp up your desktop

Tuesday, July 4th, 2006

lookinglass.jpgThe internet was also nice before… (more…)

3 from 2 follow up

Thursday, June 15th, 2006

we get hyperselfreferential to improve our google ranking :).

I.e. this is a follow up to the two posts “Journées Informatique et Géométrie” 2006 and to 3 from 2 (dimensions of course).— Or to put it differently: I couldn’t resist to try out the software mentioned in 3 from 2 (dimensions of course). As a matter of fact the software works brilliantly on minimalistic math buildings. In particular it turned the image of the Nautibus building on the Campus in Lyon in to a Potyomkin Nautibus. Next time I try Roermond-Ecke-Schönhauser
(“corner of Roermond and Schoenhauser Strasse”).

Unfortunately the jReality filereader (I have nothing to do with this bear!) has sofar no VRML2.0 parser, so I had to use Xj3D, whose navigation is mildly speaking “uncomfortable”. Stay tuned for the parser and in particular for the upcoming jReality release!