Archive for July 14th, 2006

Burnt City animation 3000 BC

Friday, July 14th, 2006


This is “old” news. There is an archeological site in Iran called “Burnt city” – a settlement which dates back to 2000-3000 BC. There a goblet of 8 by 10 cm was found on which a goat between two plants is depicted in various jumping positions. If one takes the positions together, it is clear that the movement of a goat was to be displayed.
The researchers put the images in a timely order…so one can see the 5000 years old animation in modern fashion.

The original post was I think from Irans’s Cultural Heritage news agency . However their link to the animation is broken (at the moment their whole site unfortunately doesn’t work properly) but I found another link here.

Melbourne graffiti

Friday, July 14th, 2006
