Archive for June, 2007
Friday, June 29th, 2007

No cockroach mutants..;) – just antenna of a TV news station which is apparently rather on the dark side of the rain bow..:)
Some few more images from the NMI07 party yesterday evening on the roof terrace of the academy of sciences after the click.
posted by nad | berlin | No Comments »
Thursday, June 28th, 2007

I am currently at the NMI 2007 conference which runs from morning till night – if one includes the after hour work, like a boat trip on Berlin waters, which took place last night (just one photo from the boat trip – funny to watch the Hauptbahnhof from this perspective):

Berlin Hauptbahnhof with its claddings
which broke in a storm
posted by nad | berlin, communication | No Comments »
Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Arnold Böcklin “Medusa” – image source from wikipedia
MEDUSALEM. Researchers from Israel found out that our Internet galaxy has in its center a Medusa head (they call it actually a Medusa model), i.e. a head which grows snakes instead of hair.
posted by nad | art and design, berlin, communication, math, software, trips | 7 Comments »
Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

riddle: what is this?
you don’t need much fantasy….
posted by nad | physics, trips | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 19th, 2007
posted by nad | art and design, berlin | 8 Comments »
Sunday, June 17th, 2007

Recently activist(s)/vandalist(s)/artist(s) (?) cut out the “Alice” of the posters which belong to a product branding or advertising campaign by Hansenet.
posted by nad | art and design, berlin, communication | No Comments »
Friday, June 15th, 2007

image from our project
d-room, which lies at the moment on ice.
I just found this link about the upcoming meeting on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, which will soon take place in Boston.
posted by nad | 3d, architecture, art and design, bio, robotics, software, trips | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

“Kein Zuckerschlecken in Sicht aber dafür Solarzellen”*
Just some images from an interesting architectural application of solar cells.
posted by nad | architecture, art and design, berlin, bio, climate, physics, software, trips | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 12th, 2007
The Institute for Advanced Technologies in the Humanities at the University of Virginia recently presented at a press conference in Rome the virtual city project rome reborn 1.0:
Visitors to virtual Rome will be able to do even more than ancient Romans did: They can crawl through the bowels of the Colosseum, filled with lion cages and primitive elevators, and fly up for a detailed look at bas-reliefs and inscriptions atop triumphal arches.
“This is the first step in the creation of a virtual time machine, which our children and grandchildren will use to study the history of Rome and many other great cities around the world,” said Bernard Frischer of the University of Virginia, who led the project.
The $2 million simulation will be used by scientists to run experiments – such as determining the crowd capacity of ancient buildings – and as a scholarly journal that will be updated at each new discovery of one of Rome’s marvels.
(citation from physorg)
posted by nad | 3d, architecture, software, trips | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 12th, 2007
another mathematician’s blog on math, music, art, and stuff.
incidentally he is at TU Berlin at the moment…
posted by timh | art and design, math, music | No Comments »