Archive for May, 2010


Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

My classmate Brigitta Erbzenzähler (here some previous works of her in german: zischende zwischeneinlage , short story) took recently a creative writing class in Baltimore, USA. She is trying to enhance her market chances, so she is now heading for the english language. Her assignment in Baltimore was to write a story which contained some elements of sex or crime and which could be suitable for being published in a womans magazine. She didn’t finish her assignment in time in order to get a native speaker spellcheck, proofread and lectorate yet. So the below work dubbed “008” is a rather unpolished version. Her decision to prepublish this unpolished version on this blog was motivated by the possibility that some readers might be interested in publishing the final version. Since she is currently a bit broke, I accepted to publish her story again at randform, although it is again a bit out of the theme and style of the blog. It may entertain you during my absence.


some math propaganda

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

illustration: V. Levinson from the book “Fregattenkapitän Eins” (translation of Fregat Kapitana Edinytzyi by Vladimir Ljowschin), Raduga Verlag Moskau 1989 und Detskaja Literatura Moskau 1968

There are some interesting upcoming mathematical talks here in Berlin. One is by Marcus du Sautoy (if the volcano permits), who is one of the british guru’s for the public understanding of math (see also this randform post). Among others he was invited by Günther Ziegler, winner of the communicatore prize and many other prizes. The other talk will be by Wendelin Werner (see also this randfrom post) at the theatre of castle Sanssouci. Unfortunately I can’t attend Wendelin Werners lecture because (if the volcano permits) I am going to be in Oxford at a spring school and workshop. After that I’ll be in Goettingen for a workshop.
I do not intend to blog in Oxford (I doubt that the youth hostels have internet) and probably also not in Goettingen, so stay tuned.

Some more images from the book “Fregattenkapitä Eins” and its beautiful illustrations after the click.


Salon Christophori

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010


Soheil Nasseri (who was featured a couple of times here on randform) is again becoming an actor. This times he is going to play the role of a pianist of the 19th century (means in particular one hour of Chopin). He will perform together with an orchester and the ballet of John Neumeier, Lady of the Camellias. The show is going to be end of Mai in the Metropolitan Opera House, which fits in about 30000 people!
(small clarification added on May 3: The Metropolitan opera house fits in 3800 people at one performance, since there are 8 performances with Soheil Nasseri this gives altogether about 30000 people who may attend his performances)
Before this big event is taking place he rehearsed his performance here in Berlin in the Salon Christophori – a repairshop for fortepianos and other historical instruments in front of ca. 100 highly critical inhabitants of Berlin (…just to make sure that New York gets the right quality! ;-) ) His performance was partially together with Tuyêt Pham (mimicking the orchester).

The performance was no exception since next to the repairshop (where you can by the way adopt the repair of a fortepiano) Salon Christorphori hosts a series of high quality performances of artists who enjoy the possibility to perform in a rather casual context (and with better conditions than in a department store). Unfortunately the future of the Salon is rather unclear since the place is currently refurbished with unclear (and most likely gentrified) future tenant situation.

“Small” cultural occasions like the above described are important for the cultural life of a city. They serve not only for local communication and entertainment but are equally of educational value. Unfortunately as described before music education in Berlin is not as it could be and more unfortunately the situation is worsening. In a protest note well-known musicians protest against the cutbacks of music education in schools .

Soheil Nasseri with Tuyêt Pham saying good bye

That is how it currently looks in front of Salon Christophori

Another musical event I attended last week (just in case you wonder what I am doing):
The fantastic crossover project featuring the flying steps and the well-tempered clavier -> youtube video