kutz in paris
randform writer Anuschka Kutz is giving a talk in Paris, France on
Friday 30 mars 2007, 18h30
Amphi 2 des Loges / Entrée libre at paris-malaquais
with the title:
Kitchenshrine and Dogcomfort
Can architecture derive from everyday situations?
The talk will introduce OFFSEA’s ongoing research project into everyday rituals, habits and situations and how these could become the basis for an architectural design strategy. Kitchenshrine and Dogcomfort is a traveling exhibition laboratory, using a variety of architectural media and installations to introduce what the authors call “active architecture” and to establish a growing archive of daily rituals. The project begins where architectural practice traditionally retreats. It investigates how personal space is lived and used and how this could have an influence upon architecture and space.
Conférence organisée par :
> Columbia University, New York/Paris Program,
> École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais,
> Georgia Institute of Technology Paris Program,
> Rice School of Architecture Paris,
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Study Abroad Program in Versailles.
->for more details see also the website about the exhibition in Brighton