His Majesty the King of Spain Juan Carlos and jReality


Today was the opening ceremony of the ICM (the International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid). The ICM which is organized by the IMU (the International Mathematical Union) is the most important social gathering of mathematicians. In particular at the ICM the most prestigious mathematical prizes are awarded. There is no Nobel prize for mathematics and thus the Fields Medal is often denoted as an equivalent. However the Fields medal is only for mathematicians under 40 and rather for their body of work than a particular result. For that reason a special prize had to be created in 1998 for Andrew Wiles who solved one of the longest open problems in math history, but who happened to be over 40. This years winners are: Andrei Okounkov (Russia/US), Grigori Perelman (Russia), Terence Tao (Australia), Wendelin Werner (France).

His Majesty the King of Spain Juan Carlos was honouring the ceremony with his presence. In 1998 the ICM was in Berlin. Neither the president, nor the chancellor attended the opening ceremony. There was even no report on Tagesschau – the most important german public TV news format. I guess this says enough about the current state of public support of mathematics in Germany… So – hopefully good luck for spanish mathematics!

And it is of course very flattering for some of the randform crew to see His Majesty the King of Spain Juan Carlos twisting his head (in the middle with the white jacket) for the new logo of the IMU designed by John Sullivan —since the logo video he is watching had been done with jReality!

Many congratulations to the winners of the various IMU prizes and of course especially to John for winning the logo design competion with his logo and Charles Gunn who realized the video! Thanks to John also for the image.

2 Responses to “
His Majesty the King of Spain Juan Carlos and jReality

  1. randform » Blog Archive » Le point carré Says:

    […] In a earlier randform post we reported about the ICM 2006 – the International Congress of Mathematicians on which – among others – the fields medal was awarded. Meanwhile there had been much rumors about this event, mostly connected to the fact that one of the fields medals was awarded to Grigori Perelman for his achievements on prooving the Poincaré conjecture (see also here). We definitely won’t comment on theses rumors, but rather try to point on the involved mathematics which are connected with the name of the great mathematician Henri Poincaré by pointing to this really funny interpretation of Stephen Colbert about the inner mathematics of the Poincaré conjecture. […]

  2. randform » Blog Archive » the shape of space Says:

    […] Charles Gunn is co-main developper of jReality, currently at the TU Berlin and was already mentioned in this randform post Stuart Levy was already mentioned in this randform post. And about Tamara Munzner I will write sometime soon…:) […]

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