game talk on open knowledge conference

My talk at the open knowledge confence was well perceived, however on the other hand there were not so many participants listening to my talk. In general it seemed to me that games were not (yet) in the focus of the open knowledge community. That is tere were not so many talks involving games at the conference. Nevertheless there were enough issues of importance and the conference was fun.

The slides of my talk are currently too big for upload, so I only uploaded a newer version of the article.

update (130711): The slides are available now at

Talk: “Testing new toy economies/political structures in MMOGs” at

4 Responses to “game talk on open knowledge conference”

  1. Bibi Says:

    You had written at Azimuth that your idea to use MMOGs for simulating economic and political real world scenarios

    seems to have recently been picked up for the Global Participatory Platform of the 2013 Flagship proposal FucturICT

    It seems also that your scientific platform idea had been picked up for that ICTfutur grant proposal.

    What about your intellectual property?

    The FuturICT application for 1 billion Euros had though been turned down, will you now write an EU grant proposal?

  2. tikvahndo Says:

    As much as I know the presenters at that conference had to pay a fee for giving
    their talks there.

    My opinion is that if there isn’t enough audience which is willing to
    pay a fair amount for the things presented on such a conference then this sheds quite
    some light on the quality of the talks.

    I think thus you should have mentioned that you actually had to pay your audience to make them listen to your talk!

    Everything else is a distortion of competition.

  3. teena Says:

    Everything else is a distortion of competition.

    I think this should be more seen like a kind of membership fee for a golf club.
    Like I think you are only allowed to take part in some tournaments, if you are
    a member of a golf club.

  4. notzrinoke(se)v Says:

    My opinion is that if there isn’t enough audience which is willing to
    pay a fair amount for the things presented on such a conference

    Have a look at the slides this says it all. It seems there are still people who haven’t heard of power point!

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