Modische Maschen aus Marzahn-Hellersdorf
Announcement on the door of Marie e.V.
A personal announcement. The last months I took part in a project called StrickWare organized by the womens association Frauenzentrum Marie e.V. The project was announced by Marie e.V. as:
Frauen mit ausgeprägten Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten und Erfahrungen im handarbeitlichen Bereich (Stricken und Häkeln) begeben sich auf Erkundungstour durch den Berliner Strickdesignermarkt. Sie loten Maschen-Trends aus, lernen Strickmaschinen und am PC Designerprogramme kennen, erwerben Existenzgründungswissen und entwickeln eigene kreative Produkte. Diese präsentieren sie am Ende vor öffentlichem Publikum. Die Teilnahme am Projekt ist kostenlos. Besonders angesprochen sind russischsprachige Frauen und Frauen 50+.
translation without guarantee:
Women with pronounced aptitudes, skills and experiences in handcrafting (knitting and crotcheting) are going to explore the Berlin knitting designer market. They fathom knitting trends, learn about knitting machines and designer programs at the PC, they gather knowledge about setting up a business and developping their own creative products. In the end those are presentented in front of a public audience. The participation at that project is free of charge. Especially adressed are russian speaking women and women in the age group 50+.
My knitting and crotcheting skills are not so bad and I am russian speaking 50+, so I fitted well into the project. I am though not so sure yet how useful this project was in terms of finding a business opportunity. As one can already see by the dramatic new developments around cinema Sojus, small businesses may have quite a hard time in Marzahn-Hellersdorf.
Anyways the presentation of the final knitting-assignment of the Strickware project in front of a public audience is going to be tomorrow Thursday, 11. Juni 15:00-17:00 (UTC+02) Stadtteilzentrum Marzahn-Mitte, Marzahner Promenade 38, 12687 Berlin. A short talk about the project, very brief presentations of the final knitting-assignments by the participants, both mainly in german, and some knitting objects made during the project’s workshop will be presented. It is clear that this is not the young russian avantgarde but rather babushki craft, but there are some very nice knitting objects to be seen.
The official announcement of the end presentation/Abschlusspräsentation: Modische Maschen aus Marzahn-Hellersdorf is here.
October 17th, 2019 at 4:01 pm
When do we get to see images from the babushki knitting presentation?