
An interview with Edward Mazria on BLDGBLOG about carbon neutral architecture as set out in the 2030 challenge as well as about the 2010 Imperative Imperative Global Emergency Teach-In on February 20th which is he is cohosting.

addressing global warming and climate change is an interactive web-cast broadcast live from New York, reaching more than 500,000 students, faculty, deans and practicing professionals in the architecture, planning and design communities in both North and South America.

see also the

of the 2030 challenge and from the interview with Mazria:

people are accepting that the (climate) debate is essentially over, and that we must move from debate to action. But scientists have given us a very, very small window of opportunity here. We have essentially ten years to begin to get this situation under control. Otherwise we’ll hit tipping points (see also clathrate randform post) beyond which there will be very little anyone can do to influence things. So there’s a new sense of urgency.

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