Wow at OPEN CITY: Tools For Public Action at EYEBEAM New York City
I am just posting an announcement of Eyebeam (which is a sort of an addition to my last post):
Eyebeam announces its long-anticipated 2007 exhibition season and commences its 10th Anniversary year with Open City – a glimpse into the current media and tactics of artists who take their practices into the street. Be it through projection, writing on walls or robotic pamphleteering, Open City presents the work of artists who communicate through the surfaces and structures of our communal spaces and offers a deeper look at the means and motivations of urban action and creativity.
Please join us for the Opening Reception March 1, 6-8pm to launch this series of screenings, presentations and workshops exploring tool building, tactics, techniques and approaches to communication by any means necessary within the urban context.
March 1 – April 7, 2007
Tues – Sat, 12-6pm
540 W. 21st St.
New York City
As it seems presentations in New York are currently fashionable among Berliners, as there are two Berliners under the artists, namely Matthias Wermke and Aram Bartholl who is going to present his two projects:
“WoW” at ‘the game is up’ – Festival Vooruit Gent, Belgium 7.2.-17.2.2007 (pics,movie) and random screen
and who sent me this announcement.
the artists are:
Aram Bartholl (Berlin)
BORF (Washington D.C.)
Graffiti Research Lab (NYC)
Institute for Applied Autonomy (USA)
Improv Everywhere (NYC)
Mark Jenkins (Washington D.C.)
Object Orange (Detroit)
Leon Reid (NYC)
Matthias Wermke (Berlin)
Krzysztof Wodiczko (PL/NYC)